Christmas 2007 Pictures


This was one crazy Christmas!  Surae was very, very sick unfortunately for her first Christmas with bronchiolitis.  She started feeling badly on Saturday and it reached a peak on Christmas Eve.  It was one scary cold and I am happy to say that she seems to be on the road to recovery.  She is still not feeling that well though….lots of coughing and wheezing and she developed an ear infection along the way and she is also cutting 4 teeth at the same time as all of this mess.  So, needless to say, our Christmas day was kind of crazy, but we are trudging along!  Graham was very excited about Santa this year and had lots of questions for us as well.  He is getting to be such a big boy!  Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!














Surae Update


I went back to work last week to help out with exam week and while I was away Surae’s Nana and Pop Pop babysat for the week.  I was very nervous about how Surae was going to respond and anticipated a phone call with Surae screaming in the background from a very nerve-wracked grandparent, but everything went very well.  Surae took to both of them really quickly and had a great time.  It also seemed to help quite a bit with some of her separation anxiety issues she has been having with me.  She is doing much better now with me leaving the room and putting her down.  And she is going to sleep all by herself and sleeping through the night.  Surae also started pulling to stand last week too.  When we first got her, she could only sit up.  But, in the past month, she has learned to crawl (although it is an “army” crawl), go from sitting to crawling and crawling to sitting, and pull to stand.  She is making quick progress.  She is also really trying to talk.  She can say/attempt to say “Mama”, “Baba” (Daddy in Chinese), Uh-Oh (A Surae favorite after she drops things on the ground), up, cat, hello, and bye. 

While Surae’s Nana was here, she took some absolutely adorable pictures that I wanted to share.  She can be quite the ham!




Life in Fenyi


Back when we received our referral in September, we sent a care package to Fenyi Social Welfare Institute.  We included 2 disposable cameras and when Surae was handed to us, the cameras were as well.  They came filled with an amazing wealth of information about her first year of life. She seems so well loved in these photos and for that I am so thankful.   Here are a few of the pictures of Surae with her friends (many of whom were in our adoption group in China) and nanny in Fenyi.


Grace, Charlee, and Surae



Natalie and Surae